Monday, April 11, 2011

Strong Wires For Garrote

Every morning at six media, this song sounds on my phone. This is my way of waking up for a couple of years ... Long ago this simple melody came from somewhere back of my head, and made a small version in midi, I can not remember which program ... one in which one could write their notes in the score ...
was also, of course, a lost song, so, taking advantage that I can not sing yet, and that morning for this time of convalescence go far if you get up early, I I set to work a couple of days to record it in a position ...
This time, I did not get any Internet image to accompany your blog entry. I thought, maybe bad, since I have not asked permission from the author, although no doubt you will give me to learn ... I thought, he said, to use an image of Ceuta, a sunrise, of course, and I went to see the pictures that my friend Juan Carlos Pedrajas (the same who composed the music for "The Echo ...", versatile guy if ever there was ...) had hung over the network. And so I found the image that is just below. A sunrise taken from atop one of the beaches of our city, the beach Chorrillo.

Dawn Salva by Mark


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