Friday, December 31, 2010

The Lightest Squash Racquet


year is finished, and despite my attempts to publish a new song, I'm done for me and paid as hoarseness that has accompanied me several weeks and forwards, and forcing the throat not going to get it to pass.
In any case, would not let this day pass without making a new blog post, and as a broadcaster during the holiday season they were, I will pull a replacement, but which I have very fond, and which was the third song I wrote, about ten years ago, and probably for most people who have heard, is the most beautiful of all I've done ... So they say ... I personally like it, though it is probably a clear candidate for an upgrade, with a few tweaks here and there to make up his age.
A hug for everyone, and I hope that you have a new year full of joy, but that does not leave good memories for the rest of years that are to come.


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