Sunday, December 5, 2010

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of Yemen The veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus ), it should mountainous desert areas of Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Can be found on the western slopes of a mountain range which rises in Yemen to Saudi Arabia and on the hillsides of the end of Yemen, at the entrance Red Sea.
The male has a large helmet that can reach the 8-10 cm high, females have a helmet menor.Tambien differ in size, males can exceed 50 cm in females did not supernal cambieo 40 centimeters , and that males have a spur on the hind legs.
The calyptratus are one of the species they would prefer to keep in captivity because they have an easy breeding.
One thing that characterizes calyptratus L0s is his aggressiveness, which may cause injury to its owners.


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