Microgeophagus ramirezi bedrock My experiences
Along with its beauty and how easy it is available in the shops one of the things most characteristic of these fish is the bad blood they have with their partners, although this depends greatly on the fish in question, if it is true that a few% too high, often aggressive with females, especially after making a start and be food (which is usual in their first attempts), males do not usually wait until the female is able to make another start, and this causes a certain aggressiveness.
Generally the first meals are usually placed in a vast majority because of their inexperience in this field both to uphold the start to fertilize it (if the eggs do not fertilize or aerate safely will be lost and therefore will be eaten), but not all have to be bad, El M. Ramirezi is one of the most beautiful dwarf cichlids and elegant swimming I have had, are usually quite delicate and should be especially careful with water changes as well as nitrates (we suggest setting them to zero) as we maintain this kind, if we these tips can enjoy their presence more or less than 1.5 years.
I have successfully maintained the durability with a pH of 6.5 and not more than 10 gh. Although you can keep in an aquarium of 60 liters henceforth I will seek an aquarium from 80 liters for two reasons, one: as adults they will thank and two: when a male harassing a female is also grateful.
Assuming that they are monogamous because we know that their maintenance must be in pairs and 60-80-100 liters I would recommend just a couple, in 60 liters only a couple will and we join with Venezuela or other tank mates but not with other cichlids from 80-100 liters and we introduce a couple or trio of other cichlids but do their spawn in caves (type Apistogramma, Nannacara, etc.), As is logical because the more we are likely liters.
Sex Differences:
There my way of seeing things, three main differences (not to say that there are more):
1 ª Like many dwarf cichlids the male is larger than the female (only visible in specimens semi-adults and adults)
2 ª The male has the third ratio of dorsal fin longer than others and female no (visible in some specimens juveniles).
3 rd Females have a pink tummy, for me this is the most reliable and can be seen in very young specimens.
aquarium decoration:
Well normally for this type of fish is recommended to have a well planted aquarium, taking care to put some large-leafed plant, a trunk and a thin substrate say obscure, although the latter I think we can put another color (pj. Silica sand is clarita), with the theme of stones always remember that there are limestone and slate much better if that comes as either to promote spawns.
The issue of food need not be a problem, accept all kinds of food (pellets, flakes, frozen, etc.). really enjoying both the shrimp and mosquito larvae, both frozen and easy to buy in appropriate. It is highly advisable to give them varied food.
As we have said often make their proposals on sites such as stones or flat wide leaves, but also on the same substrate, the female will deposit eggs past and male will be fertilized and well to do all the fantastic, once completed will take turns to look after it and to eat, after 72 hours the eggs hatch and within two days of free-swimming fry pudiéndoles to newly hatched brine shrimp, special food for fry or even the food itself but made the biggest dust.
Today we have a lot of variety in our stores (gold, veil, etc.).
adult male |
female specimen | |
adult female specimen | |
juvenile male specimen |
juvenile female specimen |
gold Macho |
gold Female |
ramirezi Sunset gold
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fantastic 02